Thursday, June 17, 2010

First =)

first post =)

lets start it with a happy,cheerful note.
I had a great time the other day. It just totally blows your mind away when things happen out of the blue & in it's in favor of you. *teeeeheeeeeeeeee~~~*
3 days back when the skies seemed gray, I received a phone call asking me to come in for an interview which cheered me up to no end as i was missing a dear someone immensely and was making some naughty devious plans to get the person over. *winks*

Interview did not go as planned but time spend with my favorite(s) has me smiling ever since. If there is one individual who deserves all the praise for making it happen has to be,Nunna. Babe, thank you so much, I love thee with all my heart. Because without her, I would not have known about the job, got called for the interview, had a place to stay over & received my much needed dose of Cristo.

One of the silly things which happened was Nunna's coworker making fun of my name. He heard me right the first the time but deliberately called me with all kinds of other names like shamila,sunita,shanita,shakila *wth* =.= but to top it all of was when he finally got it right he told his other friend that my name is sangeetha ' its like the past tense of sing + guitar' & he continued on asking me whether I could sing or play the guitar and when i said no, he said ' then why on earth is your name is shangeetha?'

arrgghhhh....such swt moment,
dear edison aka ah beng, u have made quite an impression.

Lets put people who make fun of names aside,
a special thanks goes to Aveenu, who went throught trouble to prepare food for us. Though i did not finish it up, it was sedaaaaaaaaap & reminded me of the times I come over to your apartment to be fed,cheered up, & fixed whenever I'm messed up =D & Neenu, I have your pocket file with me will return it the next time i see you. *which i hope will be soon*

till the the next one comes along...hugs & kisses!!